Today on my way to help with a Junior Miss program, I passed a man standing out on 12300 S holding a sign that read "will work for food"
That's when I lost it.
I just started bawling. I was a total emotional wreck.
I'm sure you're wondering why?... I see panhandlers every day of my life, especially when I visit the downtown area. But this man was different. He wasn't just asking for me to hand him money. He would work for anyone just to get food. I have a problem just giving anyone out on the street money, but I love to give them food... and the fact he was willing to work for it. I just was so torn because this man really needed help, and was willing to work for what he got. He wasn't asking for a hand out. He wanted to earn his keep. I have so much respect for him, and at the same time I'm so incredibly sad for him...
That's when I took a look at my day's activities. I went shopping to a bunch of different stores, spent way too much money, and was a silly little brat. I don't NEED those clothes, that man NEEDS food. He needs a job, he needs to support his family if he has one... And I just spent a large portion of my day shopping.
It's incredible when we have these reality checks.

I also found this picture today on the internet. It was a staged picture, but we need to realize that this unemployment rate is getting out of hand. We can't magically create thousands of jobs, but we can help those around us. This is hitting us all hard, especially now during the Christmas season. I have several family members who have been out of work for months, and they're very well educated, smart, personable people. It just hurts my heart. Literally.
Don't worry, I got him some food. He was very grateful. That made me happy, but at the same time I was still so depressed because I know there's so many people like him. I can't feed them all. Not by myself. I kept stressing about this the entire night. I was even really emotional when I was helping with Jr Miss, eventually I whipped back into shape and was ready to work without spilling tears all over everything, but this was just a huge eye opener for me.
This is why I'm Miss Murray. I know I can't make the world 100% perfect, but I can change it for the better.
Please help me.
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