March was so much fun! I'm a state committee member for Utah's Junior Miss, so a lot of my month was spent working on preparing for that week and that week was a lot of work but SO much fun! my favorite part was our princess party! I even got to dress up!!!
I also got to share my pay it 4ward platform with the Junior Miss Girls! it was awesome! I even recruited a few ambassadors!
It gives me a different perspective on these pageants... I was so proud of every single one of them! I wanted the girl who deserved it the most and would get the most of out if to win. I learned that no matter who wins Miss Utah, I'm going to be happy for! I know you don't believe me, but it's completely true! Every single girl there would do a good job to be Miss Utah and I just want the girl that would utilize it the most to be the girl to win! Good luck to whoever you are Miss Utah 2010!

I also got to hang out a lot with my little Miss a ton this month! We made cookies, I went to some of her volley ball games, and we went to Miss Spanish Fork together! what a fun road trip! She also accompanied me to the Pinnacle Awards where I got to give an award to my favorite teacher ever Mrs. Elder!!!
It was also the Make a Wish Gala where I personally raised another 1500 bucks :D I've almost raised $10,000 for them. that's TWO WISHES! we raised a TON more than that that night, but I was excited :D I also got to give sean hannity a bracelet when he came to town and hang out with my Boys n Girls club kids!

So there's a few highlights from the month of March! Hopefully I will get caught up more this weekend! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep on Paying it 4ward!!!
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