It was one of the most incredible experiences of my entire life!!!
First off, it's an awesome celebration for an inspirational man. This is exactly the thing he would have wanted
Second off, I got to work with Alex Boye'. Need I say more?
Third off, I GOT TO LIVE MY DREAM!!!
I have watched this concert so many times and looked up to the Miss Murray on the stage for so many years, and I finally got to be the girl on the stage. I got to be the grown woman that every young girl in the audience could look at and say "I want to be like her" and the thing I'm most proud of is the fact that I've never done anything those girls or their parents would be ashamed of. I was so proud to be me and represent Murray City!!!
This was actually the second time in the history of Stacey-Marie that I've ever been nervous! I NEVER get nervous and I couldn't figure out why. Now I know.
Its because I've always pictured Miss Murray as this beautiful, amazing, perfect girl. And now I'm her. and I'm not that perfect girl. I'm not the greatest singer in the world. If I would've been performing up there as Stacey-Marie, I wouldn't have cared how wel I did; however, because I was up there as Miss Murray I wanted to do so well I wanted to be perfect.
Because I was so nervous, I didn't do my very best. But ya know what? I'm not ashamed. That was me and I tried. I'm not the most fantastic singer in the world, but I'll do what anyone throws at me. I am a hard worker. I'll always do my best. I am proud of who I am.
I got to dance to a song called Dream that night. Dr King had a dream, and I think its coming true more and more everyday.
I also have a dream, and I'm living it.