“Hi, I’m Stacey Marie Hansen and I’m Miss Murray”
Oh how long I’ve wanted to hear those words.
Now my dream is a reality
Today was one of the best days of my life and I know it’s because I got to be Miss Murray all day. I started out my day helping out with the Taylorsville/Murray Junior Miss Scholarship Program. It was so much fun because I got to help the girls so much and it was awesome to hear about how simply amazing they are and it was fun to tell them about my experiences in pageants and just life in general. The Junior Miss program literally changed my life and it was so much fun to help out with one in Murray!
The best part about it was how supportive all of the Miss Murray girls were. Several of them came to support their girls. My 1st attendant Kaitlin Polei and another Miss Murray contestant are the finalists! They get to go to state in March!!! And another Murray girl Ashley Wilkinson (who’s little sister was actually the Little Miss last year) got Spirit of Junior Miss! How simply amazing is that! The 3 Murray girls got the 3 most amazing awards! I’m SOOO flippin proud!
So after Junior Miss, we realized that the Miss Intermountain competition would still be going on so we decided to drive down to draper to see it. On my way driving down there I called as many people as I could think of to tell them how proud I was of my Murray Junior Miss girls! I was too excited! I turned my music up high, rolled down my windows, and was literally jumping up and down in my seat… driving… ya that’s probably not safe! My bad! So at Miss Intermountain it was so much fun to meet and see a lot of the girls I will be going to Miss Utah with! I’m SOOOO excited for Miss Utah! I’m SOOO excited about my junior miss girls! I’m just SOOOO excited about life!
I’m livin and lovin the dream!!!